Interested in Success Coaching?

Success at every Step!

Student Success Coaches are trained peers who are ready to guide you on topics such as

  • Time Management Strategies
  • Study Strategies
  • Goal Setting
  • Accountability Buddy
  • Note Taking Strategies
  • Motivation/Procrastination Strategies
  • Accommodating your Learning Style

What should I expect?

Coaching meetings are very casual. We will meet on your time and help you map a plan for achieving your goals. We realize that each person is different, so prepare to make a personalized strategy to reach your destination! You don't have to bring anything with you to your first meeting. If you would like to prepare in advance, feel free to jot down some of your academic goals.

Meetings usually last about 30 minutes and take place in Innovation Lab 117.

How do I schedule an Appointment?

You can schedule an appointment by clicking here and completing the required information. 

Once your information is received, a member of the Student Success Center team will reach out and get you scheduled according to your availability.